Peer-Reviewed Publications
(51) Sattler, S., van Veen, F., Hasselhorn, F., El Tabei, L., Fuhr, U., Mehlkop, G. (2024, online first): Prevalence of legal, prescription, and illegal drugs used for cognitive enhancement across sociodemographic groups in Germany. Deviant Behavior. [Link]
(50) Taflinger, S., Sattler, S. (2024, online first): A Situational Test of the Health Belief Model: How Perceived Susceptibility Mediates the Effects of the Environment on Behavioral Intentions. Social Science & Medicine. [Link]
(49) Moya, C., Sattler, S., Taflinger, S., Sauer, C. (2024): Examining Double Standards in Layoff Preferences and Expectations for Gender, Age, and Ethnicity when Violating the Social Norm of Vaccination. Scientific Reports 14: 39. [Link]
(48) Pradel, F., Sattler, S. (2024): Health Consequences of a Death Threat: How Terrorist Attacks Impact Drinking. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy 24: 283-302. [Link]
(47) Sattler, S., Faber, N. Häusser, J. (2023): Working with a Sleep-Deprived or a Cognitively Enhanced Team Member Compromises Motivation to Contribute to Group Performance. European Journal of Social Psychology 53: 1231-1244. [Link]
(46) Sattler, S., Wilkinson, R., Lee, M. T. (2023): A Brief Measure of Complete Subjective Well-Being in Germany: A Population-Based Validation of a German Version of the Flourish Index (FI) and the Secure Flourish Index (SFI). PLOS One 18: e0284892. [Link]
(45) Sattler, S., Maskileyson, D., Racine, E., Davidov, E., Escande, A. (2023). Stigmatization in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Survey Experiment Using Attribution Theory and the Familiarity Hypothesis. BMC Public Health 23: 521. [Link]
(44) Sattler, S., Dubljevic, V., Racine, E. (2023): Cooperative Behavior in the Workplace: Empirical Evidence from The Agent-Deed-Consequences Model of Moral Judgment. Frontiers in Psychology 13: 1064442. [Link]
(43) Sample, M., Sattler, S. Racine, E., Boehlen, W. (2023, online first): Brain-Computer Interfaces, Disability, and the Stigma of Refusal: A Factorial Vignette Study. Public Understanding of Science (shared 1st authorship). [Link]
(42) Sattler, S., Pietralla, D. (2022): Public Attitudes towards Neurotechnology: Findings from Two Experiments Concerning Brain Stimulation Devices (BSDs) and Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs). PLOS One 17: e0275454. [Link]
(41) Sattler, S., Knesebeck, O. v. d. (2022): Effort-Reward Imbalance at Work and Prescription Drug Misuse – Prospective Evidence from Germany. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19: 7632. [Link]
(40) Hiltrop, K., Sattler, S. (2022, online first): Parents’ Perceptions on the Debated Parenting Practice of Cognitive Enhancement in Healthy Children and Adolescents. Journal of Cognitive Enhancement (shared 1st authorship). [Link]
(39) Sattler, S., Taflinger, S., Ernst, A., Hasselhorn, F. (2022). A Moderated Mediation Model Explaining the Relationship between Risk-group Membership, Threat Perception, Knowledge, and Adherence to COVID-19 Behavioral Measures. Frontiers in Public Health 10: 842368 (shared first authorship). [Link]
(38) Sample, M., Boehlen, W., Sattler, S., Racine, É., Blain-Moraes, S. (2022): Brain-Computer Interfaces, Inclusive Innovation, and the Promise of Restoration: A Mixed-Methods Study with Rehabilitation Professionals. Engaging Science, Technology, and Society. [Link]
(37) Mitchell, M., Schuurman, D., Shapiro, C., Sattler, S., Sorensen, C., Martinez, J. (2022, online first). The L.Y.G.H.T. Program: An Evaluation of a Peer Grief Support Intervention for Youth in Foster Care. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal. [Link]
(36) van Veen, F., Sattler, S., Mehlkop, G., Hasselhorn, F. (2022). Feigning Symptoms to Obtain Prescription Stimulants: A Vignette-Based Study on Its Conditions. Journal of Drug Issues, 52: 225-249. [Link]
(35) Huber, S., Sattler, S., Mehlkop, G. (2022, online first). Mechanisms of Perceived Social Norms: The Mediating and Moderating Role of Morality and Outcome Expectations on Prescription Drug Misuse in the Working Population. Deviant Behavior. [Link]
(34) Zerbini, G., Taflinger, S., Reicherts, P., Kunz, M., Sattler, S. (2022). Perceived Risk of COVID-19 Exposure and Poor COVID-19 Prognosis Impair Sleep: The Mediating and Moderating Roles of COVID-19-Related Anxiety and Knowledge. Journal of Sleep Research 31: e13569. [Link]
(33) Sattler, S., Jacobs, E., Singh, I., Whetham, D., Bárd, I., Moreno, J., Galeazzi, G., Allansdottir, A. (2022, online first). Neuroenhancements in the Military: A Mixed-Method Pilot Study on Attitudes of Officers to Ethics and Rules. Neuroethics 15: 11. [Link]
(32) Sattler, S., van Veen, F., Mehlkop, G., Hasselhorn, F., Sauer, C. (2022). An Experimental Test of Situational Action Theory of Crime Causation: Investigating the Perception-Choice Process. Social Science Research 106: 102693. [Link]
(31) Sattler, S., Seddig, D., Zerbini, G. (2021, online first). Assessing Sleep Problems and Daytime Functioning: A Translation, Adaption, and Validation of the Athens Insomnia Scale for Non-Clinical Application (AIS-NCA). Psychology & Health. [Link]
(30) Sattler, S., Linden, P. (2021, online first). Unhealthy Parenting Strategies: Situational (Dis-)Incentives, Machiavellian Personality, and their Interaction on Misuse of ADHD Medication for Healthy Children. Social Science Research (shared first authorship). [Link]
(29) Sattler, S., Zolala, F., Baneshi, M. R., Ghasemi, J., Googhari, S. A. (2021). Public Stigma towards Female and Male Opium and Heroin Users. An Experimental Test of Attribution Theory and the Familiarity Hypothesis. Frontiers in Public Health 9: 652876. (shared first authorship).[Link]
(28) Racine, É., Sattler, S., Boehlen, W. (2021). Cognitive Enhancement: Unanswered Questions about Human Psychology and Social Behavior. Science and Engineering Ethics 27:19. [Link]
(27) Sattler, S., Mehlkop, G., Bahr, V., Betsch, C. (2021, online first). Why Parents Abuse Prescription Drugs to Enhance the Cognitive Performance of Healthy Children: The Influence of Peers and Social Media. Journal of Drug Issues. [Link]
(26) Baum, M., Sattler, S., Reimann, M. (2021, online first). Towards an Understanding of How Stress and Resources Affect the Nonmedical Use of Prescription Drugs for Performance Enhancement Among Employees. Current Psychology (shared first authorship). [Link]
(25) Pradel, F., Sattler, S. (2020, online first). Memories of a Death Threat: Negative Consequences of Unconscious Thoughts about a Terrorist Attack on Attitudes Towards Alcohol. Journal of Death and Dying. [Link]
(24) Sattler, S. (2020). Using Social Learning Theories to Better Understand the Variation of the Moral Acceptability of Performance Enhancement Drug Use. American Journal of Bioethics – Neuroscience 11: 248–250. [Link]
(23) van Veen, F., Sattler, S. (2020). Modeling Updating of Perceived Detection Risk: The Role of Personal Experience, Peers, Deterrence Policies, and Impulsivity. Deviant Behavior 41: 413-433 (shared first authorship). [Link]
(22) Sample, M., Sattler, S., Racine, E., Blain-Moraes, S., Rodriguez-Arias, D. (2020). Do Publics Share Experts’ Worries About Brain-Computer Interfaces? A Trinational Survey on the Ethics of Neural Technology. Science, Technology and Human Values 45: 1242-1270. (shared first authorship) [Link]
(21) Sample, M., Aunos, M., Blain-Moraes, S., Bublitz, C., Chandler, J., Falke, T., Friederich, O., Groetzinger, D., Jox, R.J., Koegel, J., McFarland, D., Neufield, V., Rodriguez-Arias, D., Sattler, S., Vidal, F., Wolbring, G., Wolkenstein, A., Racine, E., (2019). Brain-Computer Interfaces and Personhood: Interdisciplinary Deliberations on Neural Technology. Journal of Neural Engineering [Link]
(20) Sattler, S., Wörn, J. (2019). Public Perceptions of Prescription Drug Use for Cognitive Enhancement Drug Use in Healthy Children and Adolescents, p. 85-103. In S. Nagel (Ed.), Shaping Children - Ethical and Social Questions That Arise When Enhancing the Young (Dordrecht: Springer). [Link]
(19) Sattler, S. (2019). Non-Medical Use of Prescription Drugs for Cognitive Enhancement as a Response to Chronic Stress Especially When Social Support is Lacking. Stress & Health 35: 127-137. [Link]
(18) Sattler, S., Graeff, P., Sauer, C., Mehlkop, G. (2018). Der illegale Verkauf verschreibungspflichtiger Medikamente zur kognitiven Leistungssteigerung – Eine vignetten-basierte Studie rationaler und normativer Erklärungsgründe [The Illegal Sale of Prescription Drugs for Enhancing Cognitive Performance – A Vignette-Based Study of Rational and Normative Causes]. Monatsschrift für Kriminologie und Strafrechtsreform [Special Issue „Erklärungsangebote für kriminelles Handeln aus der Perspektive des Rational Choice Paradigmas. Eine Bestandsaufnahme“ (Proposals to Explain Criminal Action from the Perspective of the Rational Choice Paradigm: an Inventory) edited by Heinz Leitgöb and Stefanie Eifler]. [Link]
(17) Dubljevic, V, Sattler, S., Racine, É. (2018). Deciphering Moral Intuition: How Agents, Deeds, and Consequences Influence Moral Judgment. PLoS One 13: e0204631. (shared first authorship). [Link]
(16) Racine, É., Sattler, S., Escande, A. (2017). Free Will and the Brain Disease Model of Addiction: The Not So Seductive Allure of Neuroscience and Its Modest Impact on the Attribution of Free Will to People with an Addiction. Frontiers in Psychology 8: 1850. [Link]
(15) Sattler, S., Escande, A., Racine, É., Göritz, A. (2017). Public Stigma towards People with Drug Addiction: A Factorial Survey. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 78: 415-425. (shared first authorship). [Link]
(14) Sattler, S., Wiegel, W., van Veen, F. (2017). The Use Frequency of 10 Different Methods for Preventing and Detecting Academic Dishonesty and the Factors Influencing their Use. Studies in Higher Education 46: 1126-1144. [Link]
(13) Sattler, S. (2016). Cognitive Enhancement in Germany: Prevalence, Attitudes, Moral Acceptability, Terms, Legal Status, and the Ethics Debate, p. 159-180. In F. Jotterand, & V. Dubljević (Eds.), Cognitive Enhancement: Ethical and Policy Implications in International Perspectives (Oxford: Oxford University Press). [Link]
(12) Sattler, S., Singh, I. (2016). Cognitive Enhancement in Healthy Children Will Not Close the Achievement Gap in Education. American Journal of Bioethics 16: 39-41. [Link]
(11) van Veen, F., Göritz, A. S., Sattler, S. (2016). Response Effects of Prenotification, Prepaid Cash, Prepaid Vouchers, and Postpaid Vouchers: An Experimental Comparison. Social Science Computer Review 34: 333-346. [Link]
(10) Sattler, S., Schunck, R. (2016). Associations between the Big Five Personality Traits and the Non-Medical Use of Prescription Drugs for Cognitive Enhancement. Frontiers in Psychology 6: 1971. [Link]
(9) Wiegel, C., Sattler, S., Göritz, A.S., Diewald, M. (2016). Work-Related Stress and Cognitive Enhancement among University Teachers. Anxiety, Stress, & Coping 29: 100-117. (shared first authorship). [Link]
(8) Patrzek, J., Sattler, S., van Veen, F., Grunschel, C., & Fries, S. (2015). Investigating the effect of academic procrastination on the frequency and variety of academic misconduct: a panel study. Studies in Higher Education 40: 1014-1029. [Link]
(7) Sattler, S., Mehlkop, G., Graeff, P., Sauer, C. (2014). Evaluating the Drivers of and Obstacles Towards the Willingness to Use Cognitive Enhancement Drugs: Influences of Drug Characteristics, Social Environment, and Personal Attributes. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy 9: 8. [Link]
(6) Graeff , P., Sattler, S., Mehlkop, G., Sauer, C. (2014). Incentives and Inhibitors of Abusing Academic Positions: Analysing University Students´ Decisions about Bribing Academic Staff. European Sociological Review 30: 230-241 (shared first authorship). [Link]
(5) Dubljević, V., Sattler, S., Racine, É. (2014). Cognitive Enhancement and Academic Misconduct: A Study Exploring their Frequency and Relationship. Ethics & Behavior 24: 408-420 (shared first authorship). [Link]
(4) Sattler, S., Forlini, C., Racine, É., Sauer, C. (2013). Impact of Contextual Factors and Substance Characteristics on Perspectives toward Cognitive Enhancement. PLoS One 8: e71452. [Link]
(3) Sattler, S., Sauer, C., Mehlkop G., Graeff, P. (2013). The Rationale for Consuming Cognitive Enhancement Drugs in University Students and Teachers. PLoS One 8: e68821. [Link]
(2) Sattler, S., Graeff, P., Willen, S. (2013). Explaining the Decision to Plagiarize: An Empirical Test of the Interplay Between Rationality, Norms, and Opportunity. Deviant Behavior 34: 444-463. [Link]
(1) Sattler, S., Wiegel, C. (2013). Cognitive Test Anxiety and Cognitive Enhancement: The Influence of Students’ Worries on their Use of Performance-Enhancing Drugs. Substance Use & Misuse 48: 220-232. [Link]
(1) Sattler, S. (2007). Plagiate in Hausarbeiten. Erklärungsmodelle mit Hilfe der Rational Choice Theorie. [Plagiarism in Student Papers: Explanation Models Using Rational Choice Theory]. Hamburg. (with a foreword by Andreas Diekmann). [Link]
Reviews: Völker, Beate (2009) in Tijdschrift voor Sociologie 30: 95-8; Stocké, Volker (2009) in European Sociological Review 25: 739-40 [Link]; Krell, Claudia (2009) in Communicatio Socialis 42: 117-9 [Link]; Müller, Vera (2008) in Forschung & Lehre 2/08: 104.
Book Chapters and Other Publications
(19) Sattler, S., Wilkinson, R., Lee, M. T. (2023). Eine kurze und umfassende Messung des subjektiven Wohlergehens: Eine bevölkerungsbasierte Validierung der deutschen Version der Human Flourishing Scale bestehend aus dem Flourish Index (FI) und dem Secure Flourish Index (SFI). Zusammenstellung sozialwissenschaftlicher Items und Skalen (ZIS). [Link]
(18) Sattler, S., Taflinger, S., Ernst, A., Hasselhorn, F. (2023). Ein moderiertes Mediationsmodell zur Erklärung der Beziehung zwischen Risikogruppenzugehörigkeit, Wahrnehmung der Bedrohung, Wissen und Einhaltung der COVID-19-Verhaltensmaßnahmen. Pp. 33-69, in: Henzler, I., Hues, H., Sonnleitner, S., Wilkens, U. (eds.), Extended Views. Gesellschafts- und wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf die COVID-19-Pandemie (Köln: Böhlau) Übersetzung aus dem Englischen von: (shared 1st authorship). [Link]
(17) Zerbini, G., Taflinger, S., Reicherts, P., Kunz, M., Sattler, S. (2023): Das wahrgenommenen Risiko einer COVID-19-Exposition und eines schweren COVID-19-Verlaufs beeinträchtigen den Schlaf: Die mediierende und moderierende Rolle von COVID-19-bezogenen Ängsten und Wissen. Pp. 71-95, in: Henzler, I., Hues, H., Sonnleitner, S., Wilkens, U. (eds.), Extended Views.Gesellschafts- und wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf die COVID-19-Pandemie (Köln: Böhlau). Übersetzung aus dem Englischen von: (corresponding author). [Link]
(16) Sattler, S., Seddig, D., Zerbini, G. (2023). Die Messung von Schlafproblemen und der Beeinträchtigung der Tagesform mittels der Athens Insomnia Scale for Non-Clinical Application (AIS-NCA) in deutscher und englischer Sprache. Zusammenstellung sozialwissenschaftlicher Items und Skalen (ZIS). [Link]
(15) Sattler, S. (2020). Cognitive Enhancement in Children by Using Prescription Drugs. p. 113-130. In T. Burns, & F. Gottschalk (Eds.), Education in the Digital Age: Healthy and Happy Children (Paris: OECD Publishing). [Link]
(14) Dubljević, V., Sattler, S., & Racine, E. (2018): Preferences for Precepts Implied in Moral Theories Instrument (PPIMT) [Database record]. APA PsycTests. [Link]
(13) Sattler, S. (2016). Should We Medicate Healthy Children to Fight Social Inequality?. In, (published: 1 June, 2016). [Link]
(12) Sattler, S., Diewald, M. (2013): FAIRUSE - Fehlverhalten und Betrug bei der Erbringung von Studienleistungen: Individuelle und organisatorisch-strukturelle Bedingungen [FAIRUSE - Misconduct and Fraud in Study Achievements: Individual and Organizational Conditions]. TIB. [Link]
(11) Sattler, S. (2013). Wer kopiert verliert – über Verbreitung und Ursachen von Plagiaten [Who Plagiarizes Loses: Regarding the Prevalence and Causes of Plagiarism]. In U. Bringezu, & A. Kunert (Eds.), Der kleine Plagiats- und Täuschungskompass, 6-8. [Link]
(10) Sattler, S., Diewald, M. (2010). Wechselwirkungen zwischen Arbeitslosigkeit und dem sozialen Netzwerk [The Interplay Between Unemployment and Social Networks]. In C. Stegbauer, & R. Häußling (Eds.), Handbuch Netzwerkforschung (Wiesbaden: VS Verlag), 695-707. [Link]
(9) Diewald, M., Sattler, S. (2010). Soziale Unterstützungsnetzwerke [Social Support Networks]. In C. Stegbauer, & R. Häußling (Eds.), Handbuch Netzwerkforschung (Wiesbaden: VS Verlag), 683-694. [Link]
(8) Sattler, S., van Veen, Floris (2010). Veröffentliche oder stirb [Publish or Perish]. Internationale Zeitschrift für Journalismus 12: 26-29. [Link]
(7) Sattler, S., Diewald, M. (2009). Kosten und Nutzen der Sparsamkeit: Zur Erhebung sozialer Netzwerke und sozialer Unterstützungspotentiale in der Umfrageforschung [Costs and Benefits of Parsimony: Assessing Social Networks and Social Support in Survey Research], SOEPpapers on Multidisciplinary Panel Data Research 156: 1-38. [Link]
(6) Diewald, M., Sattler, S., Wendt, V., Lang, F.R. (2009). Verwandtschaft und verwandtschaftliche Beziehungen [Kinship and Family Connections]. In K. Lenz & F. Nestmann (Eds.), Handbuch - Persönliche Beziehungen (Weinheim: Juventa), 423-444.
(5) Sattler, S. (2008). Plagiate in Hausarbeiten. Erfassung über Direct-Response und Validierung mit Hilfe der Randomized-Response-Technique [Plagiarism in Student Papers: Measurement via Direct Response and Validation Using the Randomized Response Technique]. In K.-S. Rehberg (Ed.), Die Natur der Gesellschaft. Verhandlungen des 33. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie in Kassel (Frankfurt/Main: Campus Verlag), 5446-561. [Link]
(4) Sattler, S. (2008). Unterschätztes Phänomen? Über den Umfang und Umgang mit Plagiaten [An Underrated Phenomenon? Regarding the Extent and Handling of Plagiarism]. Forschung & Lehre 5/08: 222-223. [Link]
(3) Welker, M., Sattler, S. (2007). Online-Befragung von Journalisten in Deutschland: ein Modell zur Abschätzung von Coverage- und Responsefehlern bei einer amorphen und dispersen Großgruppe [An online-survey of journalists in Germany: A model to estimate coverage and response bias in an amorphous and dispersed population]. In (2) M. Welker, & O. Wenzel (Eds.), Online-Forschung 2007: Grundlagen und Fallstudien (Cologne: von Halem Verlag), 333-369. [Link]
(2) Bigl, B., Sattler, S. (2005). Der Journalist der Zukunft: ein Alleskönner [The journalist of the future: an all-rounder. Journal 5: 10-12. [Link]
(1) Sattler, S. (2005). Rezension: Der Journalist als “Homo oeconomicus” [Book review: Susanne Fengler and Stephan Ruß-Mohl, Journalists as “homo oeconomicus”]. Publizistik 50: 269-270. [Link]
Research Datasets
(10) Taflinger, S., Sattler, S. (2024): Data Publication for: A situational test of the health belief model: How perceived susceptibility mediates the effects of the environment on behavioral intentions. Bielefeld University. [Link]
(9) Moya, C., Sattler, S., Taflinger, S., Sauer, C. (2023): Reproduction files for: Examining double standards in layoff preferences and expectations. OSF. [Link]
(8) Sattler, S., Wilkinson, R., Lee, M. T. (2023): Data Publication for: A Brief Measure of Complete Subjective Well-Being in Germany: A Population-Based Validation of a German Version of the Flourish Index (FI) and the Secure Flourish Index (SFI). Bielefeld University. [Link]
(7) Sattler, S., Faber N, Häusser J. (2023): Data publication for: Working with a sleep-deprived or a cognitively enhanced team member compromises motivation to contribute to group performance. Bielefeld University. [Link].
(6) Sattler, S., Maskileyson, D., Racine, E., Davidov, E., Escande, A. (2023). Data publication for: Stigmatization in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Survey Experiment Using Attribution Theory and the Familiarity Hypothesis. Bielefeld University. [Link].
(5) Sattler, S.,Dubljević, V., Racine, E. (2022). Data Publication for: Cooperative Behavior in the Workplace: Empirical Evidence from the Agent-Deed-Consequences Model of Moral Judgment. Bielefeld University. [Link].
(4) Sattler, S., Knesebeck, O. v. d. (2022): Data publication for: Effort-Reward Imbalance at Work and Pre-scription Drug Misuse–Prospective Evidence from Germany. Bielefeld University. [Link].
(3) Sattler, S., Taflinger, S., Ernst, A., Hasselhorn, F. (2022). Data publication for: A Moderated Mediation Model Explaining the Relationship between Risk-group Membership, Threat Perception, Knowledge, and Ad-herence to COVID-19 Behavioral Measures. Bielefeld University. [Link].
(2) Zerbini, G., Taflinger, S., Reicherts, P., Kunz, M., Sattler, S. (2022). Data publication for: Perceived Risk of COVID-19 Exposure and Poor COVID-19 Prognosis Impair Sleep: The Mediating and Moderating Roles of COVID-19-Related Anxiety and Knowledge. Bielefeld University. [Link]
(1) Dubljevic, V., Sattler, S., Racine, É. (2018). Pretest dataset, Experiment 1 dataset, Experiment 2 dataset: Deciphering Moral Intuition: How Agents, Deeds, and Consequences Influence Moral Judgment. PLOS One. [Link]